New parent stats...
Our son Logan is now 5 weeks old and what a ride its been so far. It's a lot of work, but oh so worth it. Emily and I were talking the other day about how much our lives have changed (for the better) in such a short time. He's a very good boy and Emily is such a great mom!
When I really started thinking about the past 5 weeks and just how much has happened I began compiling the stats in my head and it was overwhelming, so I decided to share these stats with you. It really puts parenthood into perspective.
New Parent Stats
840 = number of hours Logan has been alive
736 = number of hours Logan has been asleep
82 = number of hours Mommy and Daddy have slept
337 = peepee and/or poopoo filled dirty diapers we've changed
11 = times we've been peed on
1,071 = ounces of breast milk guzzled down by Logan
163 = ounces of breast milk spit back up by Logan
5 = shirts ruined by aforementioned spit up
3 out of 4 = dentists that recommend Oral-B toothbrushes
31 = loads of baby related laundry
50% = percentage of Logan that is me
50% = percentage of Logan that is Emily
27 = number of rock, paper, scissors games to decide who cleans the really bad diapers
27 = number of times Daddy has cleaned the aforementioned diapers desite winning the game
33 = times I've sworn Logan has smiled at me though it was really gas-related
5 out of 4 = people that are bad at fractions
489 = photos taken of our new baby boy
423 = photos taken of our new baby boy sleeping
50% = people in the world that are below average
1,632 = baby related questions we've asked our Pediatrician, parents, family members, friends with kids and smart-looking strangers
1,632 = different answers, opinions and bits of advice we've gotten when we ask those questions
$312 = dollars spent online by Daddy for baby neccessities like Beastie Boys onesies, Spiderman sleepers and N.Y. Jets bibs and pacifiers.
2 - 4 weeks = amount of weeks allowed for delivery of above items
63% = percentage of statistics that are made up on the spot
26 = pacifiers purchased
0 = pacifiers around when you need one
And the most important stat of all...
1 = fantastic, beautiful, amazing new son

When I really started thinking about the past 5 weeks and just how much has happened I began compiling the stats in my head and it was overwhelming, so I decided to share these stats with you. It really puts parenthood into perspective.
New Parent Stats
840 = number of hours Logan has been alive
736 = number of hours Logan has been asleep
82 = number of hours Mommy and Daddy have slept
337 = peepee and/or poopoo filled dirty diapers we've changed
11 = times we've been peed on
1,071 = ounces of breast milk guzzled down by Logan
163 = ounces of breast milk spit back up by Logan
5 = shirts ruined by aforementioned spit up
3 out of 4 = dentists that recommend Oral-B toothbrushes
31 = loads of baby related laundry
50% = percentage of Logan that is me
50% = percentage of Logan that is Emily
27 = number of rock, paper, scissors games to decide who cleans the really bad diapers
27 = number of times Daddy has cleaned the aforementioned diapers desite winning the game
33 = times I've sworn Logan has smiled at me though it was really gas-related
5 out of 4 = people that are bad at fractions
489 = photos taken of our new baby boy
423 = photos taken of our new baby boy sleeping
50% = people in the world that are below average
1,632 = baby related questions we've asked our Pediatrician, parents, family members, friends with kids and smart-looking strangers
1,632 = different answers, opinions and bits of advice we've gotten when we ask those questions
$312 = dollars spent online by Daddy for baby neccessities like Beastie Boys onesies, Spiderman sleepers and N.Y. Jets bibs and pacifiers.
2 - 4 weeks = amount of weeks allowed for delivery of above items
63% = percentage of statistics that are made up on the spot
26 = pacifiers purchased
0 = pacifiers around when you need one
And the most important stat of all...
1 = fantastic, beautiful, amazing new son

At 9:36 PM,
Anonymous said…
Thise numbers were impressive. it was fun for folks that add.
Logan has filled a lot of hours you never thought you had. This little tike has siezed your life he has taken up your soul.
There is one more thing they take from you... you were young and now you're OLD....
At 8:02 AM,
Anonymous said…
100% - Of your immediate family who have now seen your wife's anatomy that used to be 100% yours.
0% - Of the large breast phenomenon that you actually get to enjoy.
15% -Part of your life that is now private.
-Just yesterday my 2.5 year old son Carson swung the bathroom door open ala Kramer and inquired "you doin daddy?" "I'm going potty Carson." "You poop'n daddy?" "Yes Carson." "It stinky daddy?" "I don't know buddy, what do you think?" "It stinky daddy, I leave you lone." -Door left wide open.
-I love parenthood. -A
At 11:51 AM,
Anonymous said…
Oh my gosh!! You make parenting look really fun, and BUSY!!!! But great all together. Glad that is has been so much fun thus far.
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