Photos from Logan's world...
My people,
It’s been a month since the last Logan email so here are some photos taken since his birthday in February. We have had several milestones since then. Logan now walks…everywhere! He loves to waddle around and eat everything he can get his hands on (whether edible or not) and is quite a funny baby, always making noises, smiling or hamming it up for anyone who will watch. I have no idea who he gets that from.
He also enjoys graham crackers, cheese crumbles, playing with ribbons, ripping magazines, moving things from one place to another and then back again, banging on the computer keyboard, playing with shoes, dancing to The Wiggles and his big yellow stuffed ball that looks like Big Bird’s feathers. He’s a real renaissance kid.
So sit back, relax and prepare to smile as we present our latest installment of Logan photos! This series obviously includes Logan and the following random items in no particular order:
- Matzo
- Sunglasses
- Beret
- Big shoes
- Sippy cup
- Bucket hat
- His dad and mom

Logan in his daddy’s cool old school Adidas shoes that mommy hates and thinks makes daddy look like an old man. But when Logan wears them it’s “awwww, how cute, he looks so cute, how cute is this cutie?” I wear them - idiot. He wears them – Kodak moment. I don’t get it.

Gilligan and the Skipper out for a 3 hour tour.

Logan taking Daddy for a walk. He leads, I follow. He cries, I pick him up. He then smiles, I put him back down. He knows he’s got me trained like a dog. Damn.

This is Logan’s French cousin LaFloure. He’s on a baby exchange program from Paris. Logan went to France for 6 weeks and we got LaFloure. He’s really smart too! Only 14 months old and already understands French! (Just kidding, it’s not LaFloure, just Logan in a beret. Gotcha!)

This is Logan and his beautiful mommy. Notice how much nicer this photo is compared to the next one? It’s because I’m not in it! These two actually look related. Me? I look like a weird uncle or something or maybe a terrorist.

Weird uncle terrorist (with a crazy eye), LaFloure and Emily.

This is Logan’s first day with a sippy cup and straw. Sucking on a straw is a big deal because now he can drink on his own and not rely on us all the time. FINALLY! I was wondering how much longer I was going to have to do everything for him. He’s so needy. Now he can suck up milk and water and cocktails all by himself. MY SON SUCKS, YEAH!

Logan has officially gone Hollywood. He even has those trendy LA big glasses so the prying eyes of the paparazzi can’t find him. He’s more demanding now too - only wanting tepid Evian bottled water in his bathtub, 100% organic chilled milk from humanely treated cows and only plays with hybrid toys that are earth friendly and biodegradable. He doesn’t even call us mommy or daddy anymore; we’re his “agent” and “personal assistant” now.

Logan at Passover eating his first matzo. How does that dry matzo taste son?

Exactly! Interestingly, and completely true, he friggin’ loved gefilte fish! Go figure. 90% of Jews don’t even like that stuff, but our boy Logan loved it! He wasn’t a big fan of the horseradish though. He also loved brisket and matzo balls too. (How do they snip the little balls off the boy matzos though, I wonder?) Yup, Logan’s a real J.I.T. (Jew-In-Training) and we couldn’t be prouder.

Logan playing with a fake, toy matzah (which probably tastes better then real matzah if you ask me.) He had a whole toy seder plate too with toy bitter herbs, plastic shank bone, little toy maror and fake haroseth (sp?) Jewish people understood that sentence and the gentiles probably didn’t understand at least five of those words. That’s ok, since I have no idea what a catechism is or what makes Good Friday so good. So we’re even.
We hope you all had a Happy Easter and Pleasing Passover and that your Spring has been great. We miss you all. Stay tuned for the next photo series called LOGAN VS. THE OREO COOKIE.
Emily, Adam and Logan (and of course LaFloure)
It’s been a month since the last Logan email so here are some photos taken since his birthday in February. We have had several milestones since then. Logan now walks…everywhere! He loves to waddle around and eat everything he can get his hands on (whether edible or not) and is quite a funny baby, always making noises, smiling or hamming it up for anyone who will watch. I have no idea who he gets that from.
He also enjoys graham crackers, cheese crumbles, playing with ribbons, ripping magazines, moving things from one place to another and then back again, banging on the computer keyboard, playing with shoes, dancing to The Wiggles and his big yellow stuffed ball that looks like Big Bird’s feathers. He’s a real renaissance kid.
So sit back, relax and prepare to smile as we present our latest installment of Logan photos! This series obviously includes Logan and the following random items in no particular order:
- Matzo
- Sunglasses
- Beret
- Big shoes
- Sippy cup
- Bucket hat
- His dad and mom

Logan in his daddy’s cool old school Adidas shoes that mommy hates and thinks makes daddy look like an old man. But when Logan wears them it’s “awwww, how cute, he looks so cute, how cute is this cutie?” I wear them - idiot. He wears them – Kodak moment. I don’t get it.

Gilligan and the Skipper out for a 3 hour tour.

Logan taking Daddy for a walk. He leads, I follow. He cries, I pick him up. He then smiles, I put him back down. He knows he’s got me trained like a dog. Damn.

This is Logan’s French cousin LaFloure. He’s on a baby exchange program from Paris. Logan went to France for 6 weeks and we got LaFloure. He’s really smart too! Only 14 months old and already understands French! (Just kidding, it’s not LaFloure, just Logan in a beret. Gotcha!)

This is Logan and his beautiful mommy. Notice how much nicer this photo is compared to the next one? It’s because I’m not in it! These two actually look related. Me? I look like a weird uncle or something or maybe a terrorist.

Weird uncle terrorist (with a crazy eye), LaFloure and Emily.

This is Logan’s first day with a sippy cup and straw. Sucking on a straw is a big deal because now he can drink on his own and not rely on us all the time. FINALLY! I was wondering how much longer I was going to have to do everything for him. He’s so needy. Now he can suck up milk and water and cocktails all by himself. MY SON SUCKS, YEAH!

Logan has officially gone Hollywood. He even has those trendy LA big glasses so the prying eyes of the paparazzi can’t find him. He’s more demanding now too - only wanting tepid Evian bottled water in his bathtub, 100% organic chilled milk from humanely treated cows and only plays with hybrid toys that are earth friendly and biodegradable. He doesn’t even call us mommy or daddy anymore; we’re his “agent” and “personal assistant” now.

Logan at Passover eating his first matzo. How does that dry matzo taste son?

Exactly! Interestingly, and completely true, he friggin’ loved gefilte fish! Go figure. 90% of Jews don’t even like that stuff, but our boy Logan loved it! He wasn’t a big fan of the horseradish though. He also loved brisket and matzo balls too. (How do they snip the little balls off the boy matzos though, I wonder?) Yup, Logan’s a real J.I.T. (Jew-In-Training) and we couldn’t be prouder.

Logan playing with a fake, toy matzah (which probably tastes better then real matzah if you ask me.) He had a whole toy seder plate too with toy bitter herbs, plastic shank bone, little toy maror and fake haroseth (sp?) Jewish people understood that sentence and the gentiles probably didn’t understand at least five of those words. That’s ok, since I have no idea what a catechism is or what makes Good Friday so good. So we’re even.
We hope you all had a Happy Easter and Pleasing Passover and that your Spring has been great. We miss you all. Stay tuned for the next photo series called LOGAN VS. THE OREO COOKIE.
Emily, Adam and Logan (and of course LaFloure)
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