Holiday photos of Logan and the Lazari
We haven’t sent any pictures out since October, but I think this email will make up for lost time. It covers Thanksgiving and Hanukkah and the weeks in between and features Logan from 8 – 10 months old. Lots of photos of the boy.
We had a great holiday season! Fun time with the family and friends…outings, dinners, parties, relaxing, etc. And both the Gators and Jets did well this year, a first ever. Emily and I are good, the weather is gorgeous every day and Logan is doing great! He’s like a cute little drunken midget…falling down, knocking stuff over, mumbling incoherently, drooling on himself and then going toilet in his pants. He’s really close to walking and can do lots of cool tricks now like high-five, touchdown Gators (which consists of putting his hands up), can wave on command and tries to play the keyboard but he is not good at it. The songs he plays are really awful actually…it’s like a baby wrote it.
No matter what we do, life keeps moving fast. He’s grown so much its scary. I wish I could stop time. That way Logan would stay like this forever and I could also rob banks without anyone knowing.
Anyway, enjoy the photos and have a great year! I hope your holidays were fantastic and that all your 2007 wishes come true.

Packing before our holiday trip to Florida. We didn’t want to pay for a seat for Logan so we just checked him through to Ft. Lauderdale.

Lazdog and Lazpuppy at Turkey Bowl 2006 – doesn’t he look like someone else’s kid? I have actually had to say “no officer, I did not kidnap this boy.”

Eric and me with our sons. Weird huh? It’s nice to see future generations of Jews and Mexicans getting together though.

The Lazari just before Thanksgiving dinner. 2 out of the 3 people in this photo look related. Can you guess who doesn’t belong? Yup, it’s the turkey on the right.

Logan playing with some girlie doll on the floor of my parent’s house. FYI, the rug seen in this photo was not comfortable to sit on at all!
Logan in front of his eight Hanukkah presents. (Little did he know we simply wrapped up his old toys and gave them to him again…haha, babies are so gullible.)
Logan enjoying the alphabet blocks we got him. Too bad he can’t spell, though he does enjoy knocking them down and throwing them around. He must hate letters or he may just despise blocks, we’re not sure.
His favorite gift of all? Why the wrapping paper of course!
This photo was to prove that we did actually go to Temple for Hanukkah. We never really went inside though; just drove up, snapped this photo and then went to a Christmas party.
J-E-T-S JETS JETS JETS! Three generations of gluttons for punishment. F’ing Jets!
Again with the box. What can I say, the kid loves corrugated cardboard. Don’t judge him!
Logan the Lion in his new jacket (with mane.) Thanks Epsteins, he loves this thing!
Logan the Lion about to pounce! He’s the king of the jungle gym.
This is Logan at 10 months old. Check out those teethies! His mother is proud. I’m sure his father is proud too, whoever he is. j/k But c’mon, he looks nothing like me!
At 5:08 PM,
Anonymous said…
Good post.
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