Logan's 1st Birthday
Amigos y familia,
If you’re not sick of him yet, here are some photos of Logan from his first birthday on February 23rd. He turned one year old, a big day for him since no one likes being a zero. We had a huge keg party for him with dancing girls, a petting zoo, jumping castle, clowns, magicians and a huge piñata shaped like a giant pacifier. It was awesome! It cost us over $20,000 but we felt a one year old would appreciate it.
Actually, it was just him and a few friends at a park pavilion decorated with cheap balloons. And I use the term “friends” lightly since Logan has no idea who the kids are nor will he remember anything about them or the day. We had some cake, opened some presents, sang “Happy Birthday”, played on the jungle gym and had an all around fun afternoon. At least everyone under the age of 3 had a blast…the parents were exhausted.
Here are some photos from Logan’s 1st Birthday!

This is Logan’s cake. He’s so vain he had to have his image on the cake or he refused to come to the party. I wanted a picture of me, the dad, covering the whole cake as well as Adam masks for everyone to wear, but Logan insisted on a photo of him on the cake instead. What an ego on this kid, huh?

This is Logan enjoying a special cake made just for him with love and care from the baker. AND HE DESTROYED IT! It was so much fun to watch him dig in and tear it up. He loved making a mess. But he also loved the sugar.

10 minutes later…still tearing apart the cake. And he really loved the sugar. This cake was the first real sweet treat he’s ever had and I think he’s addicted to sugar now. It’s awful, Logan’s begging for sugar on the street and was even seen robbing a friend’s crib for stuff he could fence for more of the white stuff. He may need to go to rehab. See further evidence below…

15 minutes later…by now the frosting, icing and pure sucrose is coursing through his 22 lb. frame and he’s officially flying high on the sweet white powder. I mean, look at his messy hair and how fast his hands are moving in this photo! He was like some crazy one year old kung fu cokehead. He was so hyper from this cake that he actually walked home that day carrying his own high chair. It was nuts. We learned a valuable lesson that day, sugar and babies don’t mix, unless it’s in the caramel candy treat called “Sugar Babies” which are delicious.

This is now a Lazarus tradition, the annual “take a picture of Logan getting smoosh kissed by his parents.” We plan on doing this every year on his birthday until he’s married. Embarrassing? A little. But this custom is still better then our original idea of taking a picture of him in the bathtub every year until he’s married. Something tells me he wouldn’t like that idea anymore after puberty.

This is a photo of Logan eating macaroni and cheese (which happens to be my favorite food too.) Why is this photo randomly included in this email? No idea, but who doesn’t want to see a picture of a cute baby eating yummy mac and cheese? I know I do.
If you’re not sick of him yet, here are some photos of Logan from his first birthday on February 23rd. He turned one year old, a big day for him since no one likes being a zero. We had a huge keg party for him with dancing girls, a petting zoo, jumping castle, clowns, magicians and a huge piñata shaped like a giant pacifier. It was awesome! It cost us over $20,000 but we felt a one year old would appreciate it.
Actually, it was just him and a few friends at a park pavilion decorated with cheap balloons. And I use the term “friends” lightly since Logan has no idea who the kids are nor will he remember anything about them or the day. We had some cake, opened some presents, sang “Happy Birthday”, played on the jungle gym and had an all around fun afternoon. At least everyone under the age of 3 had a blast…the parents were exhausted.
Here are some photos from Logan’s 1st Birthday!

This is Logan’s cake. He’s so vain he had to have his image on the cake or he refused to come to the party. I wanted a picture of me, the dad, covering the whole cake as well as Adam masks for everyone to wear, but Logan insisted on a photo of him on the cake instead. What an ego on this kid, huh?

This is Logan enjoying a special cake made just for him with love and care from the baker. AND HE DESTROYED IT! It was so much fun to watch him dig in and tear it up. He loved making a mess. But he also loved the sugar.

10 minutes later…still tearing apart the cake. And he really loved the sugar. This cake was the first real sweet treat he’s ever had and I think he’s addicted to sugar now. It’s awful, Logan’s begging for sugar on the street and was even seen robbing a friend’s crib for stuff he could fence for more of the white stuff. He may need to go to rehab. See further evidence below…

15 minutes later…by now the frosting, icing and pure sucrose is coursing through his 22 lb. frame and he’s officially flying high on the sweet white powder. I mean, look at his messy hair and how fast his hands are moving in this photo! He was like some crazy one year old kung fu cokehead. He was so hyper from this cake that he actually walked home that day carrying his own high chair. It was nuts. We learned a valuable lesson that day, sugar and babies don’t mix, unless it’s in the caramel candy treat called “Sugar Babies” which are delicious.

This is now a Lazarus tradition, the annual “take a picture of Logan getting smoosh kissed by his parents.” We plan on doing this every year on his birthday until he’s married. Embarrassing? A little. But this custom is still better then our original idea of taking a picture of him in the bathtub every year until he’s married. Something tells me he wouldn’t like that idea anymore after puberty.

Despite dozens of birthday presents, beautiful cards and brightly colored wrapping paper and ribbons, all Logan wanted to play with was the balloons. For days all he would do was play with his balloons. He loved those balloons. Morning, noon and night it was all balloons, all the time. Until one popped. Now Logan doesn’t like balloons anymore.
This is a photo of Logan eating macaroni and cheese (which happens to be my favorite food too.) Why is this photo randomly included in this email? No idea, but who doesn’t want to see a picture of a cute baby eating yummy mac and cheese? I know I do.
This is Logan in one of his new birthday outfits. I thought at first that the horizontal stripes would make him look fat, but as you can see by the photo I was dead wrong. They actually make him look older instead. Doesn’t he look 15 months to you? I know, weird huh?
This last photo is of Logan chatting on the phone. He actually does pick up the phone, hold it to his ear and can say “Hi.” It’s his latest funny trick. The problem is now that he can use the phone he’s been ordering all these useless items on QVC. I can understand how he dialed (see photo) but what perplexes me is how he knew the 3 digit security code on the back of my credit card! Who knew that your identity could be stolen by a one year old? Anyway, we’ll see what it is he ordered in 6 – 8 weeks.
That’s all for now, hope you enjoyed the latest image gallery from the Lazari family. Logan is hilarious and so much fun. Emily is working hard and is the best mom ever and I have been loving life lately…work is great, the family rocks and the weather is fantastic. Not to mention the GATORS BABY! Anyway, hope all is well with you and we’ll send more pics soon.
All our love,
Adam, Emily and Logan
That’s all for now, hope you enjoyed the latest image gallery from the Lazari family. Logan is hilarious and so much fun. Emily is working hard and is the best mom ever and I have been loving life lately…work is great, the family rocks and the weather is fantastic. Not to mention the GATORS BABY! Anyway, hope all is well with you and we’ll send more pics soon.
All our love,
Adam, Emily and Logan