Back To School With the Lazari
Well, the summer’s now over and fall has officially fell. Except here in Tucson where it’s always summer. It was a great summer of fun days, family trips and new babies for us Lazari, but now it’s back to business and back to school…or in our case, off to school for the first time for Logan.
Logan is going 3 days a week to a wonderful Jewish pre school where he’s learning about Shabbat, saying the prayers and how to guilt anyone into anything. The kids play all the time, eat snacks, read books, do projects, sing songs, nap and exchange boogers all day long. Typical pre-school curriculum. Every morning Logan gets up and is excited about going. And every day he cries when we drop him off. And every day he’s fine after 5 minutes. I don’t get it? I’m the one paying 5 grand a year so he can play with cars and blocks and toys all day! I’m the one that should be crying every morning, not him.
Attached are some photos from his first days of school, our Fall so far and a few images of our new son Sawyer. Here’s hoping your back to school went well, your fall is falling into place and, for the Jews, that your high holy days are both sweet and savory.
School’s lets out at 12:30 and it’s finally time to unwind! This is when Logan forgets the every day stress of life like “I fell on the playground”, “my crayon broke”, “I spilled my juice” or “Why are there no more Cheerios?” After school is a time to grab some shades, poop in your pants and just chillax (which the kids today tell me means chill out and relax combined.)
Taking a bath after a long and very dirty day of school. If I could fill the bathtub with a combination of bleach, lye and Windex I would just to get that pre-school funk off of him. Pre-school is great but it’s like a giant bouillabaisse of kids’ coughing, drooling, spitting, pooping, painting, peeing, snacking, spilling and tushy picking. Every day when Logan gets home he’s covered in shmutz like Pig Pen from the Peanuts comic strip. He’s stained from head to toe and carrying several viruses, but he has the best time ever. He even has the flu now to prove it!

Logan playing “superhero” after the bath. He loves to wear this towel like a cape and run and jump around naked for awhile posing and pretending to fly. I get it. It’s a cool game. I do it too after I shower. If you notice, I covered up his “hoo-ha” with some CGI expert PhotoShopping so Logan wouldn’t get mad at me for putting his shmeckle online for the world to see and so I wouldn’t be arrested for child pornography. The last thing I need is Chris Hansen and Dateline NBC walking into my office again. It’s just embarrassing.

Bathed, fed and ready for bed. Here is Logan and his new baby brother Sawyer posin’ in their PJ’s ready for sleep time. No funny caption here but I do think it’s amusing how we describe this time in our house as “putting them to sleep” or “putting the kids down.” It always sounds like euthanasia or that we’re planning to take them behind the shed like Old Yeller and put them out of their misery. I never noticed how creepy it sounds until now but that’s what we say in the Lazarus household. And if there’s anyone in the house that needs to be “put down” it’s me. I need the rest.

SATURDAY!!!!! No school for Logan today! Instead of waking us up early for school, on weekends he wakes us up early so he can get into our bed and watch his TV shows. He likes “Meet the Press” and “Tucson Business Week” but usually settles for “The Backyardigans” and “The Wonder Pets.” We usually let him snuggle up next to us in bed and watch his shows for the next 6-8 hours so Em and I can get some much needed sleep. Give him a large box of cereal to eat all day and maybe some iced tea to sip on and he’s good. Other than the occasional “I’m hungry”, “My diaper is leaking” or “My eyes hurt from watching so much TV” he’s usually pretty quiet. I love Saturdays!

This is Sawyer at about 6 weeks. He’s either sleeping, concentrating really hard or very worried about something. Regardless what he’s doing here he is most definitely also pooping. He does that all day and night long.
Sawyer just relaxing in the warm cocoon of Daddy’s unnecessarily hairy legs. This is one of 3 pictures we have of Sawyer (out of 236) where his eyes are open. They are beautiful, deep blue eyes but you wouldn’t know it because he sleeps like a coma victim and when he’s not sleeping he’s screaming and his eyes are closed then too. Cute kid for a baby, huh?

Logan wants to be just like me I guess. Poor, poor kid. Here he is walking in daddy’s shoes, or my flip flops in this case. If he really wants to be like me though he’d want to watch football and not Dora the Explorer, he’d want to drink beer instead of strawberry milk, he’d listen to rap music instead of Raffi and he’d want to sleep late and not keep waking up at 6am every day!

This is when pre-school goes old-school. I love this picture! Logan rocking his B-Boys shirt while his little friend Cammeron sports the Run-DMC onesie. By the time these kids will be old enough to enjoy these bands it’ll be considered “oldies” music. The Beastie Boys will be the Beastie Senior Citizens and Run-DMC will be WalkWithACane-DMC. (Get it? They won’t be able to RUN any more?) Okay, that was bad. Not bad meaning bad, but bad meaning good!!!

More from the Laztastic 4 soon. Until next time!!!
All our love,
Adam, Emily, Logan & Sawyer
Logan is going 3 days a week to a wonderful Jewish pre school where he’s learning about Shabbat, saying the prayers and how to guilt anyone into anything. The kids play all the time, eat snacks, read books, do projects, sing songs, nap and exchange boogers all day long. Typical pre-school curriculum. Every morning Logan gets up and is excited about going. And every day he cries when we drop him off. And every day he’s fine after 5 minutes. I don’t get it? I’m the one paying 5 grand a year so he can play with cars and blocks and toys all day! I’m the one that should be crying every morning, not him.
Attached are some photos from his first days of school, our Fall so far and a few images of our new son Sawyer. Here’s hoping your back to school went well, your fall is falling into place and, for the Jews, that your high holy days are both sweet and savory.
Logan and his new lunchbox. He loves this thing! It could be filled with angry bees and he wouldn’t care. He clutched this thing tight to his chest like the President holding launch codes. He walked into his classroom like a Brinks armed security guard and wouldn’t let his lunchbox out of his sight all day. I don’t think he realized that there was actually food inside until the teachers opened it for him at noon! Then he really loved the lunchbox because it was filled with delicious snacks…and not bees!

Story time at school. Logan already knows all his letters (upper AND lower case baby!) and kept interrupting the teacher as she tried to teach the other kids their letters. He eventually got so annoying they had to knock him unconscious with a judo chop because he wouldn’t stop. That last part isn’t true, but he does know all his letters. Now if he could only learn not to poop in his pants we’d be all set. P is for Potty! (FYI – in case you were wondering, that is not a real Tiger in the picture as live jungle cats in the classroom would not be safe for toddlers.)

School’s lets out at 12:30 and it’s finally time to unwind! This is when Logan forgets the every day stress of life like “I fell on the playground”, “my crayon broke”, “I spilled my juice” or “Why are there no more Cheerios?” After school is a time to grab some shades, poop in your pants and just chillax (which the kids today tell me means chill out and relax combined.)
Taking a bath after a long and very dirty day of school. If I could fill the bathtub with a combination of bleach, lye and Windex I would just to get that pre-school funk off of him. Pre-school is great but it’s like a giant bouillabaisse of kids’ coughing, drooling, spitting, pooping, painting, peeing, snacking, spilling and tushy picking. Every day when Logan gets home he’s covered in shmutz like Pig Pen from the Peanuts comic strip. He’s stained from head to toe and carrying several viruses, but he has the best time ever. He even has the flu now to prove it!

Logan playing “superhero” after the bath. He loves to wear this towel like a cape and run and jump around naked for awhile posing and pretending to fly. I get it. It’s a cool game. I do it too after I shower. If you notice, I covered up his “hoo-ha” with some CGI expert PhotoShopping so Logan wouldn’t get mad at me for putting his shmeckle online for the world to see and so I wouldn’t be arrested for child pornography. The last thing I need is Chris Hansen and Dateline NBC walking into my office again. It’s just embarrassing.

Bathed, fed and ready for bed. Here is Logan and his new baby brother Sawyer posin’ in their PJ’s ready for sleep time. No funny caption here but I do think it’s amusing how we describe this time in our house as “putting them to sleep” or “putting the kids down.” It always sounds like euthanasia or that we’re planning to take them behind the shed like Old Yeller and put them out of their misery. I never noticed how creepy it sounds until now but that’s what we say in the Lazarus household. And if there’s anyone in the house that needs to be “put down” it’s me. I need the rest.

SATURDAY!!!!! No school for Logan today! Instead of waking us up early for school, on weekends he wakes us up early so he can get into our bed and watch his TV shows. He likes “Meet the Press” and “Tucson Business Week” but usually settles for “The Backyardigans” and “The Wonder Pets.” We usually let him snuggle up next to us in bed and watch his shows for the next 6-8 hours so Em and I can get some much needed sleep. Give him a large box of cereal to eat all day and maybe some iced tea to sip on and he’s good. Other than the occasional “I’m hungry”, “My diaper is leaking” or “My eyes hurt from watching so much TV” he’s usually pretty quiet. I love Saturdays!

This is Sawyer at about 6 weeks. He’s either sleeping, concentrating really hard or very worried about something. Regardless what he’s doing here he is most definitely also pooping. He does that all day and night long.
Sawyer just relaxing in the warm cocoon of Daddy’s unnecessarily hairy legs. This is one of 3 pictures we have of Sawyer (out of 236) where his eyes are open. They are beautiful, deep blue eyes but you wouldn’t know it because he sleeps like a coma victim and when he’s not sleeping he’s screaming and his eyes are closed then too. Cute kid for a baby, huh?

Logan wants to be just like me I guess. Poor, poor kid. Here he is walking in daddy’s shoes, or my flip flops in this case. If he really wants to be like me though he’d want to watch football and not Dora the Explorer, he’d want to drink beer instead of strawberry milk, he’d listen to rap music instead of Raffi and he’d want to sleep late and not keep waking up at 6am every day!

This is when pre-school goes old-school. I love this picture! Logan rocking his B-Boys shirt while his little friend Cammeron sports the Run-DMC onesie. By the time these kids will be old enough to enjoy these bands it’ll be considered “oldies” music. The Beastie Boys will be the Beastie Senior Citizens and Run-DMC will be WalkWithACane-DMC. (Get it? They won’t be able to RUN any more?) Okay, that was bad. Not bad meaning bad, but bad meaning good!!!

More from the Laztastic 4 soon. Until next time!!!
All our love,
Adam, Emily, Logan & Sawyer
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